Monday, August 10, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Being single in ministry is about as awkward as a homemade Star Wars reenactment film. Some well intentioned Protestants believe it is their civic duty to provide for their pastor… a kind and generous gesture... except when it extends to include the provision of a spouse. Since (as far as I know) spouses are not a commodity, the potential for awkwardness is through the roof.
You may have seen a successful blog collecting humorous occasions of EPIC FAILURE. If you haven’t… here’s a link:
Being the classy types, we’re copying that idea. Shamelessly. Except, rather than collecting completely random failures… we’re highlighting a very particular type of failures. Specifically the realizations of three young ministers who, by wandering through the quandary of ministry, come to realize that there can be only one way to describe their education: SEMINARY FAIL.